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The GMWC has bid farewell to 2024 at a gathering in the Treasury Gardens, Melbourne. Clogs, Statz and Curly were joined by special guest Matt Cox in a celebration of wine, food and friendship. The theme? Wines you love to … Continued
The GMWC has bid farewell to 2024 at a gathering in the Treasury Gardens, Melbourne. Clogs, Statz and Curly were joined by special guest Matt Cox in a celebration of wine, food and friendship. The theme? Wines you love to … Continued
The weather gods were smiling on 18 November 2023, as the Good Mates Wine Club gathered in the Treasury Gardens to mark 13 years of shared adventures. With the exception of one stunning 10-year-old vintage Champagne, the day was a … Continued
Shared wines. Shared news.
The GMWC gathered online for its 12 June 2021 meeting. Wine influencer, blogger and enthusiast Ella ‘thecheekyvino’ joined the meeting as a guest, before Statz guided members through a comprehensive introduction to Greek wine and two indigenous Greek varieties: the … Continued
The GMWC turns 10 in 2021! To celebrate, Club members have prepared a year-long program of events and activities to honour the Club and the joy of wine. The GMWC ‘10 FEST’ program kicked-off on Saturday 13 February with (return) … Continued
Thanks Max Allen for making time for the GMWC!